Pyrolysis Plant Tour of UAE Customers to Indonesia
April , 12 , 2022
In April 2022, UAE customers visited the oil sludge pyrolysis factory of our Indonesian customer. It is difficult for them to go to Huayin for factory inspection because of the pandemic, so they choose to visit our Indonesian customers who were processing the oil sludge too. The UAE customer placed the order in March, they want to process the tank bottom sludge and drilling mud and they bought 2800*9000 reactor with stainless steel desulfurization and denitrification dedusting system.

Thanks for the Indonesian customer’s reception, it means a lot in this difficult time. Indonesian customers bought oil sludge pyrolysis plant in 2019 for the first time and this year they placed an order again.

If you want to join the waste tyre & plastic to oil pyrolysis business, feel free to contact us!